Canine Selected Protein RC Dry Dog Food Complete and balanced food for adult dogs Features and Benefits SELECTED PROTEIN The protein in the diet is provided by rice and fish, which are appropriate for dogs with certain food sensitivities. OMEGA-3 AND OMEGA-6 FATTY ACIDS Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and trace elements (copper and zinc) support a healthy skin and coat. MODERATE CALORIE Moderate calorie content, 12.3% less compared to Canine ADULT dry, to help maintain ideal weight. NATURAL PRESERVATIVES Naturally preserved to ensure freshness and quality.
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Health conditionsSkin Health and Allergies
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SKU: 139326
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Canine Selected Protein RC Dry Dog Food Complete and balanced food for adult dogs Features and Benefits SELECTED PROTEIN The protein in the diet is provided by rice and fish, which are appropriate for dogs with certain food sensitivities. OMEGA-3 AND OMEGA-6 FATTY ACIDS Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and trace elements (copper and zinc) support a healthy skin and coat. MODERATE CALORIE Moderate calorie content, 12.3% less compared to Canine ADULT dry, to help maintain ideal weight. NATURAL PRESERVATIVES Naturally preserved to ensure freshness and quality.
Products specifications
Attribute nameAttribute value
Health conditionsSkin Health and Allergies